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    Halitosis - An Assessment Protocol Proposal

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    Halitosis is an embarrassing symptom with a significant social impact. Halitosis affects millions of people worldwide and many resources are spent annually in products to improve halitus, unsuccessfully. The study of halitosis in a scientific basis is justified once halitosis causes social restriction, decreases life quality and may be an indication of serious diseases. Aim: To elaborate a protocol for halitosis assessment in order to minimize costs, avoid unnecessary tests and provide a guideline for diagnosis. METHODS: The protocol was created based on the literature and on the authors' personal experiences, adopting an evidence-based anamnesis. Results: There are many causes of halitosis and most of them are related to the oral cavity; others are related to otolaryngologic and respiratory diseases. Gastrointestinal diseases, liver/renal impairment and other metabolic syndromes are less frequent, but also important causes of halitosis. Conclusion: There are important costs involved in halitosis assessment and treatment, including medical appointments, specialist assessment, and complementary tests. Such costs would be minimized by adopting a protocol of evidence-based anamnesis and a flowchart for a rational clinical investigation. © Revista Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia. All Rights reserved.736835842Hine, K.H., Halitosis (1957) JADA, 55 (7), pp. 37-46Grein, N.J., Estomatologia para o clínico - 7a Aula: Halitose - diagnóstico e tratamento. (1982) Odontólogo Moderno, 9, pp. 40-45Rosemberg, M., (2003) Halitose: Perspectivas em pesquisa, , Rio de Janeiro: Ed. Guanabara Koogan S.ATárzia, O., Halitose: Um desafio que tem cura. 1a (2003), ed, de Publicações Biomédicas Ltda;Bogdasarian, R.S., Halitosis Otolaryngol Clin North Am1986;19, pp. 101-117Uliana RMB, Briques W, Conti R. Microbiota oral e suas repercussões no hálito. Odontologia. Ed. 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